Giacomo Baccolo PhD defense

Today Giacomno Baccolo successfully defended his PhD thesis: “Chemometrics approaches for the automatic analysis of metabolomics GC-MS data”. His thesis deals with the presentation of a new approach called AutoDise to extract meaningful chemical signals from GC-MS data in an automatic way.
If you are interested, the PhD thesis can be downloaded here:

ChemTastesDB: database for molecular tastants

ChemTastesDB is a database that includes curated information of 2944 molecular tastants. For each molecule the following information is provided: name, PubChem CID, CAS registry number, canonical SMILES string, class taste. The molecular structure in the HyperChem (.hin) format of each chemical is provided. The database is now available on Zenodo:

Workshop del Gruppo di Chemiometria

Il prossimo Workshop del Gruppo di Chemiometria si terrà a L’Aquila dal 30 maggio al 1° giugno 2022. Il Workshop manterrà l’impostazione tradizionale: ciascun gruppo di ricerca/ente/azienda/singolo partecipante potrà richiedere uno slot temporale personalizzabile (tra 10 e 60 minuti) per la presentazione orale delle proprie attività chemiometriche in ambito di di ricerca, didattica e applicazioni.
Per maggiori informazioni:

Cecile Valsecchi PhD defense

Today Cecile Valsecchi successfully defended her PhD thesis: “Advancing the prediction of Nuclear Receptor modulators through machine learning methods”. She studied potential interactions between chemicals and nuclear receptors, with the dual purpose of developing in silico tools to search for new modulators and to identify possible endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Congrats! Really a great job!
If you are interested, the PhD thesis can be downloaded here:

Kohonen and CPANN Toolbox: new release 4.5 out!

A new release of the Kohonen and CPANN Toolbox (for Matlab) is now available! The toolbox is a collection of MATLAB modules for calculating Kohonen Maps and Counterpropagation Artificial Neural networs (CPANNs), Supervised Kohonen networks and XY-fused networks. In this new release, it is possible to have calculation on a GPU and RAM usage has been optimised to better deal with big data. The toolbox can be downloaded here.

Welcome to Veronica Termopoli

Welcome to Veronica Termopoli, new member of the Milano Chemometrics and QSAR Research Group! Veronica has a strong background on chromatography and she will give her introductory seminar “New instrumental and applicative approaches in LC-MS” at our department next wednesday november 10th, more info here.